Safe and effective AI. Our focus is to help guide the use of safe and effective artificial intelligence by:

  • assisting organizations in their understanding and implementation of AI in the workplace

  • helping influence and craft legislation around AI’s (specifically LLM’s) development and how AI can be safely released to the public

  • creating AI solutions to improve the experience of working with and within the government

AI Latest

Implementation of President Biden’s Executive Order on AI Moving Forward

April 2024

It’s been 180 days since Biden’s EO 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence was issued and NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) is continuing to make progress with the release of four documents (AI RMF Generative AI Profile, Secure Software Development Practices for Generative AI and Dual-Use Foundation Models, Reducing Risks Posed by Synthetic Content, and A Plan for Global Engagement on AI Standards) focused on trying to make AI safer. These documents are drafts and NIST is soliciting public feedback.

EU AI Act Approved

March 2024

This groundbreaking agreement by member States of the European Union isn’t perfect, but it provides guidance that is sorely needed to help ensure AI can be deployed safely and effectively. Passage is “is just the beginning of a long road of further rulemaking, delegating and legalese wrangling.”

MLCommons announces AI safety benchmark

April 2024

This benchmark is a proof-of-concept used to show that it is possible to assess the risks posed by AI systems in a concrete way. The use case of this benchmark is “...text-to-text interactions with a general purpose AI chat model…” It is a great first step in the long road of helping to ensure AI can be deployed safely and effectively.

ASEAN releases Guide on AI Governance and Ethics

February 2024

This is a practical guide for organizations of the 10 member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in their use of AI. It “includes recommendations on national-level and regional-level initiatives that governments in the region can consider implementing to design, develop, and deploy AI systems responsibly.”

The benefits of AI are enormous, but so are the risks. The great news is that there are hundreds of organizations and thousands of smart people around the globe working to ensure AI is, and will be, used safely and effectively. We are here to help.

Let’s move forward, together.