In The Space

In the Past

U.S Senate hearing: Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law

May 2023

At just over three hours, it takes a bit of time to go through, but this hearing demonstrates how the Senate is trying to understand the mistakes that where made with respect to the oversight of Social Media and how they are really trying to get it right with AI.

White House Involvement: Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights

Oct 2022

“…the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has identified five principles that should guide the design, use, and deployment of automated systems to protect the American public in the age of artificial intelligence.”

Congress needs to clarify section 230

Oct 2022

The Internet has changed enormously in the last 25 years; it is high time Congress puts in the work to clarify Section 230 (part of the Communications Decency Act of 1996) instead of leaving it to the Supreme Court to try and interpret how the law should work.

The Pause: Future of Life Institute details AI oversight policies

March 2023

Whether you agree with the FLI open letter asking for “…all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4”, their policy recommendations provide a good set of “concrete recommendations for how we can manage AI risks.”

EU AI Act: EU moves forward with AI governance

April 2021

The European Union is making great progress on attempting to mitigate the risks of artificial intelligence. The Act isn’t perfect, but it’s a good first step and is definitely moving in the right direction. The link below provides the text of the act in 24 different languages.

We need to work together to tackle disinformation

Oct 2022

The New York Times has a great article on the challenges of combating disinformation/misinformation. One of the key takeaways of the article is that, because of the way information is shared, tackling the problem will require companies and organizations to work together to find a comprehensive solution.